It can be hard to know where to purchase trustworthy supplements these days. I’ve heard way too many horror stories of people buying things from Amazon and the ingredients in the products were NOT what they claimed to be, or the product was sourced from China, etc.
It’s very important to make sure the products you’re using are high quality, responsibly/ethically sourced, and third party tested for contaminants. I do a LOT of research on companies before I try their products, so I won’t recommend anything, unless I personally use it, trust it, and/or it has been a game changer for my clients, as well!
I‘ve never been a fan of “blanket” protocols, because “one-size-fits-all” just doesn’t work for most people. Personally, I like to run a bioenergetic test first, so you can have a customized approach to cleansing! This approach allows us to see what your body is ready to address (metals, parasites, mold, etc) & which products your body wants to use... But, I understand that not everyone wants to do holistic testing with me & many of you just want some recommendations for trusted protocols & products, which is why I made this post.
PLEASE, keep in mind...if you order ANY of these products, I would highly recommend you start with 1/8 or 1/4 of the recommended dosage. You want to see how your body handles a very minimal amount for at least 4-5 days, before slowly increasing the dosage! Remember, you want your body to feel safe and relaxed, so you detox well! Aggressive cleansing is not the answer and can be dangerous!
If you've never done a cleanse before, please start by reading my blog post here, about how to prep your body for 1-3 months first!

*Please read each section carefully. I have underlined where each company will ship to, as some will ship only to the US and Canada, while others will ship worldwide.

*Fullscript - I’m able to give a 20% discount on anything you order from this site & free shipping on orders of $50 or more! I have a “favorites” section on this site, where you can view the brands I trust/recommend. This site is only available to those In the United States.
Click here to make a free Fullscript account with me! If you’re specifically looking for parasite cleansing products, you can go to the Fullscript catalog section and look under “favorites.” I’ve created categories under the “favorites” section that are labeled “parasites, binders, liver support, kidney support, etc”

*CBH Energetics - They carry amazing, practitioner-grade products, so you want to be working one-on-one with someone, like me, if you order. Use my code apm5 to save at checkout! They ship to the US and Canada.
If you're interested in purchasing from this site, please reach out to me privately, or see my post here about bio-energetic testing. Once you do testing through this company, you will have access to all the supplements on this site.

*Perfect Supplements - They have a ton of great options for herbs, binders, etc. Their collagen & chlorella are my favorites, they have BioRay products for kid-friendly cleanses, & they test their products for contaminants, like heavy metals & glyphosate! Use my code APM10 to save at checkout! They ship to the US and Canada.
Click here to check out their site!

*Bon Charge - They have great options for red-light therapy, blue-light blocking glasses, blue-free lighting for nighttime, and more! Use my code APM15 to save at checkout! They ship to the US and Canada.
Click here to check out their site!

*RogersHood - Good options for parasite cleaning, but I don’t recommend the binder for more than 3 days per month, as it does contain charcoal. See my other posts about optimal binders. Use my code APM10 to save at checkout! This site ships worldwide, except to Mexico.
Click here to check out their site!

*Cellcore Biosciences - I give a 15% discount on anything you order from this site! These are therapeutic-grade, so you absolutely need to have someone guiding you through dosages & troubleshooting! Cellcore products can be shipped everywhere around the world, except to the following countries: Africa, Belarus, Belgium, Congo-Brazzaville, Congo-Kinshasu, Germany, Iraq, Kuwait, Liberia, Mexico, Russia, Somalia, Spain, Ukraine, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.
You can only get these with a Practitioner code and Cellcore products are very potent, so it’s important to have a Practitioner walking you through dosing & troubleshooting. Please reach out with any questions about which protocols to start with, as not all of the products are right for everyone. I give 15% OFF all orders of Cellcore products!
Click here for the link to create a client account with Cellcore Biosciences. You will need to use my code rHESv21A to sign up. If you are already working with a Cellcore Practitioner, you can contact Cellcore about wanting to work with me, instead, or you can use a different email address to make an account with me.
Once you create an account, I will apply a 15% discount to anything you order (the discount can take up to 48 hours to appear, so make sure you wait for the email from me that says your discount has been applied, before you order).
Not all Cellcore products are safe for pregnancy, or breastfeeding, so please reach out to me, prior to purchasing, so I can help you choose the right products for you.

*Welldium - This site has tons of great options for parasite cleansing, binders, vitamin, minerals, etc. You have to reach out to me privately for referrals from this site, as it doesn't operate like a regular website. This site ships to Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, & Switzerland.

*Therasage - They have ozone machines, saunas, red-light devices, and more! Use my code APM to save at checkout! This site ships worldwide!
Click here to check out their site!

*MitoLife - The shilajit is my absolute favorite, but everything on the site is fabulous! There are vitamins, minerals, water filtration, grounding sheets, & more! Use my code APM to save at checkout! This site ships worldwide!
Click here to check out their site!

*Ultimate Longevity - They have great grounding products, like sheets, mats, pillowcases, & more! They ship internationally!
I don’t have a special code for savings, but I do have a unique affiliate link, where you can order, here!

*PureLife Enema - This is the enema bucket I personally use! Their site also has wonderful tutorials on how to do an enema. They ship to the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Puerto Rico, & Iceland.
I don’t have a special code for savings but I do have a unique affiliate link where you can order, here!

*Organifi - This site is packed with superfoods! They have gummy options for kids, collagen, greens, shilajit, & more! Use my code APM15 to save at checkout! They ship worldwide!
Click here to check out their site!

*Lunasol - This is my favorite company for mouth tape! If you're not familiar with mouth taping, check out my post about it, here!
I don’t have a special code for savings but I do have a unique affiliate link where you can order, here!

*Daysy Fertility Tracker - Birth control and IUDs are toxic to your body! This fertility tracker has been a game-changer for so many of my clients! It's a great way to track your cycles, so you can naturally prevent pregnancy, or track ovulation, without all the toxicity! Use my code, DaysyUS+781, at checkout to save! They ship worldwide!
Click here to check out their site!

*Crystal Quest - This is a great company for water filtration! I never leave home without their bath ball filter, so I can take a toxin-free bath, wherever I am! They also have shower filters, whole house filtration,and more! They ship worldwide!
I don’t have a special code for savings, but I do have a unique affiliate link, where you can order, here!

*Earth Fed Muscle - This is my favorite protein powder, as it's tested regularly for contaminants, like glyphosate and heavy metals! Lots of collagen powders and protein powders (even the organic ones) are loaded with metals and chemicals, unfortunately! You want to make sure the company you use it very transparent about their third-party testing, like this company and Perfect Supplements (whom I mentioned above and who happens to have my favorite collagen, too). They ship to the US only.
I don’t have a special code for savings but I do have a unique affiliate link, where you can save 15% on your first order, here!

*FatSkin - This is my favorite beef tallow skincare! I use it on my face and entire body! Use my code ANGELASTINSON at cehckout to save! They ship to the US and Canada only.
Click here to check out their site!

*Organo King Coffee - This is my favorite, mold-free, organic coffee! It's also infused with reishi spores, which are anti-parasitic and help to remove mucoid plaque/biofilm (created by parasites and other pathogens). Reishi is also an amazing adaptogen, so it's fabulous for the nervous system! They have many types of coffee on this site, but I use the KING COFFEE, personally. It's $55.50 retail for a box of 25 sachets and $37 wholesale. This coffee is so smooth and delicious! It is detoxifying, so I recommmed starting with 1/4 or 1/2 of a sachet per day for a while...don't jump right into a full sachet right off the bat! You can sign up for a yearly wholesale account, if you want to, for all the discounts and there's NO monthly minimum to buy and no monthly quota to fill! They ship worldwide!
Click here to check out their site!

*Primal Trust - If you need support in regulating your nervous system, working through trauma, etc, then I highly recommend this site! This program has been a game-changer for me and so many of my clients! There are tons of affordable options for support in this program, too!
Click here to check out their site and program options!

*Queen of Thrones Castor Oil Packs - This is the brand I personally love and use and so do many of my clients! Castor oil packs may help to balance hormones, address digestive issues, improve blood circulation, help with detoxifying the areas you place them over, reduce inflammation in the body, support good gut bacteria, reduce stress, induce feelings of relaxation, address constipation, pull toxins out of the body, and more! These statements are not a medical guarantee, or cure. They currently only ship to the US and Canda, but are working on adding International shipping soon!
When you use my unique affiliate link below, you save 10% at checkout! I alos have a code that saves you money at checkout, if the unique link doens't automatically apply the discount. My code is ANGELASTINSON
Click here to check out their site!

*Somavedic - This is my favorite EMF harmonizing device! Use my code APM at checkout to save! They ship worldwide!
Click here to check out their site!

*Nolah Mattress - A good mattress is also important for a restful night of sleep, so your body can detox better! This is the organic mattress that I personally use and love! They ship to the US only.
I don’t have a special code for savings but I do have a unique affiliate link where you can order here!
If you have ANY questions about any of these companies, please don't hesitate to reach out to me! Happy healing, everyone!